A3D - architects. Residential projects, interior projects, public building design. Interior designers.
Interior project location: Kaunas, Lithuania
Interior project year of completion: 2019
Interior project size: 82 m²
Interior project description:
Interior designers were entrusted with designing the interior of a new multi-storey apartment building in Kaunas, located on the bank of one of the largest Lithuanian rivers.
The biggest advantage of the living space is the windows that go along the longitudinal side of the main space, offering wonderful views of the flowing river and Kaunas', Old Town. With this in mind, the interior designers and clients decided to keep the space as open as possible so that one can enjoy a panoramic view through the windows from any point in the apartment.
In the interior, during the functional re-design, a partition was designed to divide the whole apartment into two different areas. The partition is covered with dark brown fine vertical textured relief wallpaper, which is not only visually expressive, but also has very good performance. Thanks to this partition, the dwelling is materially and functionally divided into light and dark areas. The latter is smaller in area and for ancillary facilities such as the hall, wardrobe, kitchen and bathroom. These rooms have no windows and are located in the part of the apartment furthest from natural light. The largest and most illuminated spaces - the living room, dining room and bedroom - incorporate all the major benefits of the living space. All of these rooms have access to a spacious glazed balcony. During the summer, the living space grows some 20 square metres.
The vertical, dark wall texture that gives the main space volume is repeated in other rooms as well. In the bedroom, the wallpaper is replaced with dark wood vertical pattern wall panels. In the bathroom, expressive relief ceramic tiles are used to reinforce the same idea.
The apartment's interior, which has a rather bold colour character, is enriched with soft, rounded lighting and sanitary ware.