A3D - architects. Residential projects, interior projects, public building design. Interior designers.
Administration building
AB "Achemos" administration building is designed in Žvėrynas district famous for its unique wooden architecture and low-raise housing. The building height that is strictly regulated by the territorial planning documents currently in force did not allow designing the high-rise building as in other quarters of Vilnius City. The competition organized by AB "Achema" and Architects Association of Lithuania had to prove that the high-rise building can also be built in Žvėrynas district. Our goal was to create in such important plot like this as well as in the unique Žvėrynas context something more essential and more durable, reflecting the atmosphere of the district by sensitively joining and complementing it.
The volumetric solution focuses on the volume of wooden trim raised from the ground by three floors, which creates the impression that the building height does not stand out from the adjacency and maintains the allowable building height not breaking the street space and not contrasting with the environment. The dominance of the volumes of 6 upper floors is reduced to a minimum by using appropriate finishing and form. Irregularity of finishing and volumes creates more expressive perspectives as well as visual and functional relationship with the environment. The U-shaped building line along the perimeter of the plot forms a plan of closed recreational rectangular yard which combines existing and projected buildings into a common area.
The 3000 m² office order required the „typical plan“which allows to freely dividing the area. The plan consists of a central core forming a vertical communication, and the building itself is functionally divided into three levels – single floor underground parking; the first floor intended for commercial activities; the second and the third floor intended for offices, a conference hall and a restaurant.